Sorry but I dont buy any of that Supiority/Inferiority crap. (either way)
I agree with many of the coments Regziever made. I beleive it depends soley on the environment you grow up in.
I think I'm one of the younger people posting here.. (18) and I think things are changing for future generations.
Like other people have mentioned.. the reason you dont see women persuing more men, is because it is felt to be socially in-acceptable(I certinly dont.. if you like a guy do something about it, most of us are morons when it comes to picking up "signals"). But like I said I think that is changing, as I see plenty of girls from my generation going after guys.. though I wont speak for older generations.
Who are any of us to say which gender is better.. as any opinion is more than likely going to be at least a little biased,one way or the other, by our personaly experiences or facts we THINK we know.
There certainly are differences, but are they important?
I think some people need to think about it.
"Your life is yours to live, go out and live it" - Richard Rahl