Originally posted by Sion
ouch. total loss?
Give you three guesses and the first three don't count
Now heres a funnier one I forgot....you'll love this one.
After I had another engine dropped in my buddy added nitrous as a small gift.
Well there was this rich little fuck in high school who had to have the best of everything and NOBODY could have something better then him.....I mean NOBODY.
Well he had a Camaro that he thought was hot shit....until I blew his fuking doors off.
Well he found out I had a nitrous system in my car so of course he goes out and has one put in his.
Soooo...here we are at the Carls Junior after school one day hanging out bullshitting and here comes Billy badd ass and his new and improved Camaro talking shit.
So he keeps taunting me to race him again....lil fucker would not stop, so I said "ok bitch for pink slips" he agreed.
Well we all head down to an industrial area that night and EVERYONE came out for this one......the whole school showed up(nobody like his ass)
So we are sitting there waiting for the start and he yells to me"I have nitous now asshole...you're ass is mine"
Now let me stop the story here for a minute and explain something. He and his family were rich.....FILTHY RICH......but money does not always mean your smart(you'll see what I'm getting to) when he had the nitrous installed by Dave(my buddy) and Dave tried to explain how nitrous works his exact words to Dave "hey I paid you to install it...If I need lessons I would have asked" Seriously...I know this because Dave told me the day he did the install (he was a close friend) to warn me that this guys gunnin for me.
So here we are at the line and I hear this "I have nitrous too asshole" statement and I just smiled at him.
Well It was GO TIME.........I slapped that tranny into gear and punched it....tires screeching and as I am salpping it into second I hear a loud explosion.......I mean LOUD!! I look into my rear view mirror and all I see is smoke, fire and parts flying in the air.....oh and a Camaro on fire.
I made it to the finish line, turned around and headed back to see everyone laughing their asses off at Billy Baddass.
You see...right when they dropped the flag this dumbshit punched the gas, then hit the nitrous button........BIG MISTAKE.....KA-BOOOOOOOM....bye bye Camaro.
Sitting here remembering I can't help but LMFAO and I wonder where this dipshit is today.
I know this thread was about dumb mistakes in repair, but maybe this will be a lesson to those of you who may want to install nitrous