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Old 08-30-2003, 12:21 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Location: Canada
Originally posted by K-Wise
Man I didn't expect to run into a real hip-hop head here. My humblest apologies if I offended you IC3. Hip-hop is indeed my life. The only reason I might be more into it than you is because I'm an emcee as well and I do my own work and I know how hard it is to gain a following when you kick real rhyms. You wouldn't happen to emcee too would ya? If so thats fuckin awesome man. I too listen to all the emcees you've mentioned and Wu-Tang and The Roots are my two favorite hip-hop crews. See a person who listens to the hip-hop I like to listen to is such a rare find these days so I usually just assume that they don't and all they listen to is crap and they know absolute jack about it. Most of the time I'm correct and I'm like well he's really good and if you like him you'll probably like "so and so" and most times they do and start checkin em out. So I stand corrected here and mature enough to admitt my ignorance and the fact that I may have been an asshole. If ya wanna know some of the guys I listen to hit me up on the IM sometime. I think it's in my profile but if it's not you can just send me a private message n I'll let ya know and see if you listen to em or not. I agree a lot of them suck even in the underground but I don't pay them attention it's the ones that are good that are unknown whose situation vex's me. Yes not all underground is good for example Cash Money were underground just a few years ago. But anyways get at me yo. I also check out underground artists one Cool forums n what not but most people just go to check out the singles section and buy CD's from there. It's got a lot of good stuff (and a lotta bad haha)

Don't apoligize, I feel the same way about people who think they know what real hip hop is..But they really don't.

I do not MC, But my cousin out in Kitchener Produces his own shit..He opened for Raekwon awhile back.

He writes ryhmes and one of his boys makes the beats and ryhmes alittle also...They go by the name of Low Budget.

I do sometimes scribble down shit that pops into my head, But It's nothing special...Actually just the other night I actually made progress..I usually get a couple lines down then give up. But the other night I just kept going, I am not even sure if I like it yet..But it's the furthest I have ever gotten writing ryhmes down on paper.

Since you are actually in the game doin your own thing..I may PM you what I got on paper just to get your opinion...But remember, It's the first time I have ever put something together...So just be straight up with me on what you think about it.

I use to be all about the West Coast back in the 90's..When Snoop & Dre were together on Snoops Doggystyle & Dre's The Chronic..Those 2 albums are Classics in my books...But the West Coast sound started to change, It seemed like it lost that Laid back groovy Funky sound.

I started checkin out the sound that was coming out of the East and was actually very impressed with it...I liked it cause it was more of an East Coast Stomp kind of sound...Hard Hitting beats, with MC's keeping shit real...I forget what my first album was that I bought that was coming out of the East Coast..Think it might have been The Wu's 36 Chambers..That's also a classic.

I don't like much from the south...It seems like alot of the Money Hungry MC's are from the south.

Music is like sports..ya the money is good, But if you love what you do then the money shouldn't matter...Do for the love you have for the music not the money.

Make money but don't let the money make you

So ya...I will try to PM you that shit I got on paper...i am just looking for an honest opinion that's all.

feel free to PM..Or we can just turn this thread into the Official Hip Hop thread

Couple more MC's I didn't mention

Dead prez
WC and the Madd Circle
Ice Cube
Smif N Wesson

I know there is more..Just can't think of them all when you need to.

Last edited by IC3; 08-30-2003 at 12:27 PM..
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