I think hes been asking for a long time, but the reality is what good is it? Let's go back 200 years up to this point. I think most would like to think the world has progressed.
It has in allot of ways (I think). The Berlin Wall coming down, the end of the African Aparteid, even the recent US aid to Africa for combating HIV. THe US stepped in when Iraq invaded Kuwait, and a couple of other events. The general point is it would appear the world is going to aid in generalized suffering and not allow further conquest unless it WWIII. The current boundries are drawn; the map is set. Except there; and again the settlements. Why are they still there? Many have disgreed with me on this point, but if Israel would get out of areas that they shouldnt be in; like yesterday IMHO 95% of this would end. (excluding the radicals on both sides that see the whole area as theirs)
Sharon has no intention of going anywhere; why? They would have already moved.
The attitude of letting both sides go at it doenst factor in when the US is backing the Israeli arsenal. (Im not stating thats right or wrong, but simply the hundreds of millions that Americans are giving to Israel makes that impossible.
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking