I don't know where I read it but it was a verry big study in Sweden a while back to see if there was any difference between men and women when it came to intelligence, problemsolving and logical calculations. The study concluded that there were absolutly no difference between men and women when it comes to thinking matters (and no the size of the brain doesn't matter it is how you use it

(honestly no phun intended) .. just look at Einstein his brain was 30% smaller than the average male brain).
The only difference between men and women are the obviously physichal ones, the different roles we are given when it comes to procreation.
This whole thing about multitasking and language stuff as well as the mathematical, linear, spatial differenses. they don't exist, it's all part of what we learn and train (a big part comes from what kind of upbringing we get during our childhood). A man can learn exeptional multitasking if he works with tasks that need multitasking. A woman can learn exeptionall spatial, mathematical skill if she works with tasks that requires it.
The study also concluded that men and women are equally sexual, the only difference is that women "disguise" their sexuality thanks to remnats left by outdated social values and stupid religious ideas. Men has a more open and laid back attutude twoards their sexuality and is more openly showing it.
They say a man thinks about sex 90% of his waking hours, the study concluded that so are women, this is the way it should be, if it is less (aside from individual differences) there is something wrong since it goes against the nature of humans because our nature (this is not the only nature of humans but it is the strongest) is to procreate.