Fortune for me too,but I still like to think that I could have fame by doing something with the money that helps others.
If I ever win lotto the first fuckin thing I would do is donate big time here so I can pay out on Halx big time.
Just joking there Boss.
Seriously,it makes you wonder how your personality would change.
I have a friend that is filthy rich but I just simply don't fit in with his crowd and he is pissing it up the wall anyway,so I don't see much of him.
Whenever we visit he insists on pouring Crown Lager beer by the case load down our throats and the opportunity to show our way of life to him and his wife is lost.
She thinks we are free loading cause thats what all of his "so called" friends and associates are doing on a daily basis so the whole situation is awkward.
We honestly just visit to be the people that we have always been but they have changed.
Given my past history with spending money I would have to have a big heart to heart with my closest friends if I am ever fortunate to win a shitload cause I wouldn't want to turn out like he has.
There's a fine line between participation and mockery