Originally posted by seretogis
The idea that our elected represenatives would be forced to give up their religious beliefs while in office is a bit frightening. I do not believe in a "God", but I really don't mind if others do. Many liberal atheists seem to want to force their lack of beliefs on everyone else, which imo is just as bad -- if not worse -- than wacko apocalypse-fearing Christians. Where is your tolerance? Where is your compassion? Do you only believe in standing up for freedom of religion when it benefits you and your beliefs?
You can blame the elitest anti-God zealots for the slow death of an established moral system in the US. While many Christians do not hold my beliefs in several respects, I'll take a system of right-and-wrong that means well over a hateful group of anti-everything academics that want to essentially dismantle our society, any day.
Nice post.
Of course the president should keep his religion. The fact that anyone voted otherwise suprises me. The president has the right to freedom of religion just like anyone else. No one is suggesting that the president's relgion automatically becomes the de facto religion for the country, but the idea that you would have to change your religion to hold public office is directly opposed to the principles that this country was founded on, and downright scary if you ask me. Religion for most people is a very serious topic, and a truly religious person could not just switch religions while they were in office. At best they would just be lying about their religious beliefs because it was required by law.