I have a similar way to get a free car wash. Its called my driveway. I get a hose, a bucket, some good soap (use Meguiars) and a nice mitt. Free washes for as long as you own the car.
wow, coincidentally, i use that same type of car wash
jujueye, and my neighbor chick uses that same car wash, meaning she comes bugs the hell out of me when i do wash my car until i give in and wash hers. she's a real whiny lil thing.
oh yeah, i just recently helped her wash her car, and she got in mine, after i told her not to. she has this nasty habit of putting her legs and feet on the dashboard for some god foresaken reason. well anyways she did it again, from the driver's seat. i insert the key to roll down the windows, and my wipers are on. i look at the switch, and it's at the off position. i have a civic, those familiar with a civic know that the lever, besides having the switch, has a mist function in which you pull down on the lever and it springs back up when you let go, thus operating the wipers just once. well apparently she, when puttin her damn legs on my dashboard, let her leg drop down on it hard enough to mess it up. so the lever doesn't spring back up anymore. so when i get a chance, i have to tear apart the dashboard and the steering wheel column, and see if i can fix it. imagine that, i get myself more shit to do, after helping her wash her car. wow.