Wow, so much good advice. I was gonna say...nope, saw that...then I was gonna say...well, gee somebody said that too. What a great group of people here!
For home inspection, make sure the inspector is a (contributing) member of the American Society of Home Inspectors. Useful, governing body.
Make sure you have just a little more room than you want. You'll want it later for *something*.
Dont buy next to a park, a busy road, a forested area, a scummy area, a house with too many cars, or a house with a definite lack of maintenance. Here's why:
park: people will congregate, including teens with beer. You dont need to be calling the police all of the time.
busy road: self explanatory. it will be difficult to sell, too.
Forested area: it could easily get mowed down and become another busy neighborhood.
near a scummy area: people drift, and just might think that your begonias are a great place to pee.
near a house with too many cars: they lack basic cleanup skills. You'll get tired of the junk. it will be difficult to sell, too.
dont buy a house with a definite lack of maintenance: lots and lots of hidden things will break after you move in, maybe even the furnace.
Oh, by the way, have fun.