Just a few points
Originally posted by Himbo
3. Why no mention of dinosaurs in the bible? How could Noah build a structure large enough to house ever single creature on the planet? When todya we couldn't build a structure so large and maintain it with all those animals for 40 days.
The Bible doen't necessarily not metion dinosaurs. In Job there is mention of a Bohemoth creature with a tree trunk like tail, which some interpert to be a dinosaur. And also some believe that the animals taken aboard the ark were not full grown, but merely children, which could also explain why they weren't thrashing eachothers throats.
Originally posted by Himbo
5. She told me some crap about some scientists actually making life out of nothing? I've tried to find that on the net but can't.
I have heard that too.
I find it kind of ironic that they were trying to prove that life could be created without a higher, intelligent being, when they were creating it.