come on, get a grip
in the end its the same for me - if you do it, fine, but take responsibility in your actions and don't blame others for your own insecurities or whatever - it *was* your choice after all
Does your attitude apply to women who dress frumpy because they hate that kind of treatment and still get catcalls? It was their choice to dress down, but they still got catcalls. Is it their fault that some guy made them feel uncomfortable because he whistled? Their responsibility that some men don't choose to control themselves or exercise tact? You can't put all the blame (a.k.a. responsibility) on women for men's actions. In the case of skimpy dressing and catcalling, you have to admit the blame/responsibility is equal. 50% because of the way a female chose to dress and 50% because the man lacks tact and dignity.
(Beware: I suspect I suffer from derailed thought. This is hardly a direct relation to what's being discussed, but it was the first thing that came to mind, so I'm sharing it.)
Saying women who wear thongs that show are responsible for men's catcalling is like saying women who get raped are responsible for it because they provoked the rapist. It's not the woman's choice that a rapist prefers to rape women who go to gyms. It's not the woman's choice that a rapist prefers to rape women who stay at home, either. Even if a woman staying home is what provoked the rapist, you have to admit it wasn't her fault for that happening. There are plenty of things women do that rapists target in on. Rapists are like wildcards, what they look for in victims is completely nonstandard and unpredictable.