It ain't "Music" Television anymore, that's for sure. Maybe it's because music started to suck after grunge started showing gray hairs and Pearl Jam, the strongest icon of the movement, refused to do any other videos after "Jeremy."
They poured on the shows, and they were and are, for the most part, quite good. It's easy to hate an organization that chases after youth culture trends--just realize that good music doesn't last forever and eventually the programming blocks have to be filled up with better content. One can only take so much Creed, boy bands, and over-the-top gangsta rap.
Granted, shows like Real World and Road Rules overstayed their welcome long past sanity, but then they have some awesome cartoons. Or so I've heard--I haven't watched more than half an hour of programming in years. For the record, I got tired of it *before* I went to college, as did most of my peers.
"The idea that money doesn't buy you happiness is a lie put about by the rich, to stop the poor from killing them." -- Michael Caine