Originally posted by Halx
When someone compliments another person's looks, it's a no-brainer. A simple thank you will do. However, I get this one a lot, "You have the best job ever." What am I supposed to do with this information?
What is a compliment to you? What makes you feel the need to give one? How do you feel when you get one? What's the best compliment you've ever recieved? How about the best you've ever given?
Well to your first question I guess you could just say "I know!" and give a big smile. It's not really a compliment, more an expression of positive envy, they would really want to be in your shoes (heh who wouldn't after seeing the 'kidnaping/spanking violet' video
) but they don't hate you for it as they would if it were bad envy (but then you wouldn't hear the 'you have the best job ever'-statement instead they would just talk shit about you). It's just people giving you recognition for your choices in life.
A real compliment to me is when someone says something good about something i do. ("you are really good at (insert whatever)" or Your (insert whatever) is awesome!).
What makes me feel the need to give a compliment..
That's a though question, mostly it is when i see someone doing something i get impressed by but also when i notice someone getting a bit low on selfesteem i give them a "boost", just saying something nice about whatever it is they are nervous about usualy strengthen their morale. (Maybe that's abusing compliments, i don't know..).
The best compliment I have ever recived.. Another though one.
It has to be when my ex-gf begged me for sex (Really begged me no play at all). that was verry awkward but also the best boost for my selfesteem ever.
The best I have ever given.. hmm.. Judging by reaction I guess it was when I told one of my female friends that she is really smart. Her face practicly glowed every time she looked at me for the next month or so. (She had neve been taken seriously by her parents or other friends even though she is way smarter than I am).
In general I'm verry bad at reciving compliments but to most cases I would guess a simple and sincere "thank you" is a suffishient (Gzz.. not sure about the spelling of that word...) answer..