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Old 08-29-2003, 10:01 AM   #1 (permalink)
My first Hardcore Triple Threat Match.

Three ending because I don't know who will win.

Punchline: Moonsault Fist Drop
Fall From Grace: DVD
Dismantler: A two handed Chokeslam

Winner Gets Triple Threat Title Shot!
Big LDM vs. Pummel vs. Joe "Da Killa" King

Cha Chi: Are next match winner goes on to face the Triple Threat Champion who at the moment is Incredible One. Eric who do you think will win this match?

Eric Taylor: Fuck off.

Buzzy: Fuck Off? Is that a new wrestler?

Cha Chi: Ok, Lets go to the ring.

All three men are in the ring. Da Killa rolls out of the ring. Pummel looks at Da Killa rolling out. Big LDM with a running clothesline on Pummel. Pummel goes down. Da Killa grabs a chair and brings it into the ring. Big LDM picks up Pummel. Pummel with a shoulder thrust. Pummel breaks free of Big LDM. Da Killa raises the chair above his head. Pummel grabs Big LDM. Pummel with a Irishwhip. Big LDM goes flying straight at Da Killa. Da Killa sees Big LDM coming at him. Da Killa smashes the chair right into the face of Big LDM. By the force of the blow Big LDM flips over in the air. Big LDM came crashing down hard onto the mat. Pummel moves to the side and motions for Da Killa to come at him. Da Killa smiles and lifts the chair up once again. Da Killa brings it smashing down on Big LDM back. Da Killa drops the chair. Da Killa kicks Big LDM out of the ring. Big LDM hits the floor. Da Killa moves toward Pummel. Pummel doesn’t wait. Pummel comes running at Da Killa. Pummel with a baseball slide into Da Killa leg. Da Killa falls to the mat. Pummel is up. Pummel grabs Da Killa’s leg and flips him over face side up. Pummel holds Da Killa’s legs straight up and apart. Pummel with a big boot shot right into Da Killa crotch. Da Killa screams in pain, as his little buddy absorbs the big boot shot from Pummel. Pummel with another big boot shot to Da Killa’s crotch. Da Killa’s eyes begins to water. Hugh Jack grabs Pummel and forces him to stop. Pummel threaten to hit Hugh. Hugh points to the back, indicating if Pummel does, Pummel will be toss out of the match. Pummel goes for the pin on Da Killa. 1… kickout!

Eric : What a fucken pussy. Da Killa is down already.

Cha Chi: Pummel almost had a win there.

Buzzy: Where is Fuck Off at. Buzzy don’t see him.

Pummel pulls up Da Killa. Pummel slams Da Killa’s head into the top turnbuckle. Big LDM begins to stir on the outside. Pummel sets Da Killa up in the turnbuckle. Pummel with a knee to the stomach of Da Killa. Pummel grabs Da Killa’s head. Big LDM is back in the ring. Pummel with a diamond cutter out of the turnbuckle. Da Killa crashes to the mat. Big LDM picks up the chair. Big LDM yells at Pummel to hold Da Killa’s head. Pummel picks Da Killa up to the kneeling position. Big LDM comes running in. Big LDM swings the chair with full force. The chair went smashing into Pummel’s head. Pummel’s body falls to the mat. Big LDM unfolds the chair. Big LDM sits the Da Killa in the chair. Big LDM runs to the rope and bounces off. Big LDM with a drop-kick to Da Killa. Da Killa and the chair topples over backward onto the mat. Da Killa rolls off the chair. Big LDM walks over to Da Killa. Big LDM picks up Da Killa. Big LDM drags Da Killa over to where Pummel is. Big LDM reaches down and picks up Pummel. Big LDM has Da Killa in one hand, Pummel in the other hand. Big LDM with a noggin knocker. Big LDM lets their bodies fall to the mat. Big LDM looks down at Da Killa and Pummel. Big LDM picks up Pummel. Big LDM sets Pummel in the turnbuckle in the standing position. Big LDM picks up Da Killa and sets him in the opposite turnbuckle, in the standing position. Big LDM grabs Da Killa. Big LDM with a irishwhip, Da Killa reverse it. Big LDM whipped toward Pummel. Pummel with a boot to the head of Big LDM. Big LDM staggers back. Da Killa grabs Big LDM. Da Killa spins Big LDM around. Da Killa with a DDT on the chair. Big LDM is down. Da Killa collapses. Pummel is still out of it as well.

Cha Chi: All three men are down. At this point it is anybody’s ball game. So far this match has been full of action.

Eric: Yeah, like your whore mom on a Saturday night. Full of action.
Buzzy: I don’t get no action.

Da Killa crawls toward Big LDM. Da Killa with a arm over Big LDM for the pin. 1…2… Pummel comes in with a dropping double ax handle to the back of Da Killa head breaking up the pin. Pummel rolls over the Da Killa for the pin. 1…2…Big LDM with a boot to Pummel’s head, breaking up the pin once again. Big LDM crawls over to Pummel. Big LDM with a pin. 1…2…Da Killa smacks Big LDM in the head breaking up the pin. All three men, roll over and stagger up. Big LDM grabs the chair. Da Killa is leaning against the ropes. Big LDM comes charging in. Big LDM hits Da Killa. The impact of the shot makes Da Killa flip over the ropes. Da Killa’s head gets caught between the first and second rope. Da Killa is being hang. Hugh rushes over to lift Da Killa’s legs so he won’t die of strangulation. Hugh signals toward the back for help. Big LDM ignores Da Killa’s predicament. Big LDM tuns around to face Pummel. Pummel wasn’t waiting around, while Big LDM was busy with Da Killa. Pummel sneaks out of the ring and grabbed a stop sign. Pummel came running at Big LDM. Big LDM turns to face Pummel just in time to see the stop sign coming right at his face. Pummel connected. The stop sign slams straight on Big LDM’s face. Big LDM’s nose exploded with blood and snot. Big LDM falls backward. Pummel stands by Big LDM head and strikes him again. Big LDM was barely conscious. Pummel drops the stop sign. Pummel grabs the chair and toss it in the center of the ring. Pummel went back and grabs Big LDM. Pummel sets Big LDM into position. Pummel tries for a brainbuster DDT. Out of instinct Big LDM blocks it. Pummel tries again, another block. Big LDM knees Pummel hard in the gut. Pummel loses his grip on Big LDM. Big LDM grabs Pummel and shoves Pummel’s head between his leg. Big LDM grabs Pummel’s arms and locks them behind Pummels back. Big
LDM with a pedigree on the chair. Big LDM with a pin on Pummel! The crown yells 1,2,3!!

Cha Chi: We have a winner!!! Big LDM wins!!

Buzzy: Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Eric: Think again ass wads.

Big LDM knowing he had Pummel for the three count look up. There was no ref. Hugh Jack , with other official were undoing Da Killa from the ropes. Big LDM got up and stormed out of the ring. Big LDM grabs Hugh. Big LDM is yelling at Hugh and pointing in the ring. Hugh pushes Big LDM back and warns him not to touch him. Hugh goes back to helping undo Da Killa. Finally Da Killa got free of the ropes. Da Killa was on the ground catching his breath when Big LDM kicks Da Killa in the head. Big LDM grabs Da Killa’s legs. Big LDM with a slingshot catapult. Da Killa goes flying up, and crashing down head first on the metal stairs. The impact made a gouge on Da Killa’s head, blood begins to trickle out. Big LDM climbs back into the ring. Hugh followed him. Big LDM once more with the pin on Pummel. 1…shoulder up! Big LDM with a close fist on Pummel. Big LDM tries for the pin again. Before Hugh could even slap the mat for a one count Pummel’s shoulder was up. Big LDM stands up. Big LDM runs to the ropes and bounces off. Big LDM with a knee drop. Pummel rolls out of the way. Big LDM’s knee hits the mat. Pummel stands up. Pummel with a kick to the stomach of Big LDM. Pummel picks up Big LDM. Da Killa looks on from the outside of the ring. Pummel with a bear hug. Da Killa climbs to the top turn buckle. Pummel see this. Pummel releases the bear hold and irishwhips Big LDM into the ropes. Pummel with a power slam. Pummel gets up. Da Killa comes flying off the top turnbuckle with the Punchline. Da Killa hit the Punchline!

Cha Chi: This could be it!! Da Killa just might win this.

Eric: About goddamn time. I’m getting thirsty.

Buzzy: I got bleach.

Da Killa goes to pin Big LDM. Hugh goes for the count. 1…2…Pummel pulls Da Killa off of Big LDM. Pummel lifts Da Killa up. Pummel with sleeper hold neckbreaker. Pummel goes to pin Big LDM. 1…2…2 ½. Da Killa with a crawling dive breaking up the three count. Da Killa with an elbow to Pummel head. Da Killa gets up. Pummel gets up also. Da Killa come running at Pummel with a clothesline. Pummel ducks. Pummel turns around. Da Killa bounces off the rope. Pummel grabs Da Killa for a belly to belly suplex. Da Killa with a head butt. Da Killa reverses the move. Da Killa with a belly to belly suplex on Pummel. Da Killa climbs to the top turnbuckle. Da Killa with another Punchline. Pummel rolls out of the way. Da Killa shakes his wrist in pain. Pummel up on his feet. Da Killa gets up. Pummel moves toward Da Killa. Pummel with a elbow to the back of Da Killa head. Pummel spins Da Killa around. Pummel with the Dismantler. Da Killa is down. Pummel for the pin. 1…2..Big LDM with a chair shot to the back of Pummel. Big LDM pulls up Pummel. Pummel’s back is facing Big LDM. Big LDM applies a full nelson on Pummel. Big LDM lifts Pummel up. Big LDM falls backwards dropping Pummel on the back of Pummel’s neck. Big LDM still has the full nelson lock. Pummel is in a pinning position. Hugh comes over and taps Big LDM. Hugh points out that Pummel’s foot is in the rope. Big LDM lets go of Pummel.

Cha Chi: Another close call. To this exciting match.

Eric: Will this never end. I have half a mind to go in there and end it myself.

Buzzy: You too? Buzzy has half a mind as well!

Big LDM holds onto the ropes and starts stomping away on Pummel. Big LDM bends down and picks up Pummel. Big LDM with a belly to belly suplex. Pummel hits the canvass. Big LDM walks over and picks up the dented chair that was lying in the ring. Big LDM unfolds the chair. Big LDM walks right back to Pummel. Big LDM picks Pummel up. Pummel with a shoulder thrust to Big LDM. Big LDM just shrugs it off. Big LDM with a DDT to Pummel. Pummel’s head smacks the mat hard. Big LDM stand up and bends down to pick up Pummel. Big LDM drags Pummel’s near limp body over to the chair. Big LDM stands in front of the chair. Big LDM with the Fall from Grace on the chair. Pummel’s body goes crashing down on the chair. Big LDM hooks the leg. 1…2…Da Killa with an elbow drop on Big LDM’s head. No pin. Da Killa is bleeding heavy from the gouge on his forehead. Big LDM’s nose is pouring out blood. Pummel has now too joined the blood club. Pummel’s top of his head, is turning crimson red. Da Killa staggers back up. Big LDM is back up as well. Big LDM goes towards Da Killa. Da Killa goes to the outside of the ring apron. Big LDM comes waddling over there. Big LDM tries for a punch to knock off Da Killa. Da Killa blocks it. Da Killa with an eye poke. Big LDM rubs his eyes. Da Killa grabs Big LDM. Da Killa with a suplex. Big LDM body is lifted to the outside of the ring. Big LDM’s body hits the hard cement floor below.

Cha Chi: That gotta put a damper, on Big LDM chance to win this match. He could be hurt.

Buzzy: Big LDM wears Pampers?

Eric: That’s right Buzzy, Big LDM wears Pampers because his is a big shit brick.

Da Killa climbs back in the ring. Big LDM gets up. Big LDM is standing on the floor. Da Killa is in the ring. Da Killa runs and slides head first at Big LDM under the bottom rope. Da Killa applies a front face lock on Big LDM. Da Killa swings his own body off the apron, twists around and lands on his own back, Da Killa drives Big LDM’s head into the floor. Da Killa picks up Big LDM. Da Killa with an irishwhip into the metal stairs! Pummel begins to stir. Da Killa picks up Big LDM and slams Big LDM head’s on the ring post. Da Killa looks underneath the ring. Da Killa pulls out a table. Pummel grabs the chair .Da Killa set the table up Da Killa rolls Big LDM on the table. Pummel climbs to the top turnbuckle. Da Killa sets Big LDM in piledriver position. Pummel jumps off the turn buckle hitting Da Killa in the head with the chair at the same time as Da Killa hit the piledriver on Big LDM!! All three men went through the table, and onto the cement. No one is moving. All three men are exhausted and hurt. After what seems like a eternity there was movement from them. Slow agonizing movement. Pummel was up first. Pummel staggered over to ringside. Pummel pauses. Pummel looks underneath the mat and grabs another table. Using all his strength Pummel tosses it into the ring. Pummel soon follows. Pummel sets up the table. Afterward Pummel falls back to the mat resting. Slowly Big LDM stagger up and climbs into the ring. Da Killa makes three. All three men are in the ring resting. Soon they all were standing up eyeing each other.

Endings of the match.

Pummel wins.Pummel and Da Killa both grabs Big LDM. Pummel and Da Killa with a irishwhip on Big LDM. Big LDMbounces off the ropes. Pummel and Da Killa both with a kick to the stomach of Big LDM.Pummel and Da Killa with a double DDT on Big LDM. Pummel grabs the stop sign. Da Killa set Big LDM in the tree of woe. Pummel point to the other turnbuckle. Da Killa goes over to the opposite turnbuckle. Pummel holds the stop sign in front of Big LDM face. Da Killa comes charging in at Big LDM. Pummel lifts the stop sign up and smashes Da Killa in the face with it. Da Killa body does 360 in the air landing hard flat on his face. Pummel turns around a smack Big LDM in the face with the stop sign. Pummel turns around once more and lifts up the semi-conscious Da Killa. Pummel move Da Killa towards the table. Pummel with the Dismantler! Da Killa goes smashing through the table. Pummel with the pin. 1…2…3!! Pummel wins!!!

Da Killa wins

Big LDM and Da Killa both grabs Pummel. Big LDM and Da Killa with a irishwhip on Pummel. Pummel bounces off the ropes. Big LDM and Da Killa both with a kick to the stomach of Pummel.Big LDM and Da Killa with a double DDT on Pummel. Da Killa grabs the stop sign. Big LDM set Pummel in the tree of woe. Da Killa points to the other turnbuckle. Big LDM goes over to the opposite turnbuckle. Da Killa holds the stop sign in front of Pummel’s face. Big LDM comes charging in at Pummel. Da Killa lifts the stop sign up and smashes Big LDM in the face with it. Big LDM body does 360 in the air landing hard flat on his face. Da Killa turns around a smack Pummel in the face with the stop sign. Da Killa turns around once more and lifts up the semi-conscious Big LDM. Da Killa drag Big LDM semi-conscious body to the table. Da Killa rolls Big LDM Body on the table. Da Killa goes to the top turnbuckle. Da Killa with the Punchline. The force of the impact drove Big LDM body through the table. Da Killa hooks the leg. 1…2…3!!! Da Killa wins!!!

Big LDM wins.

Pummel and Big LDM both grabs Da Killa. Pummel and Big LDM with a irishwhip on Da Killa. Da Killa bounces off the ropes. Pummel and Big LDM both with a kick to the stomach of Da Killa. Pummel and Big LDM with a double DDT on Da Killa. Big LDM grabs the stop sign. Pummel set Da Killa in the tree of woe. Big LDM points to the other turnbuckle. Pummel goes over to the opposite turnbuckle. Big LDM holds the stop sign in front of Da Killa face. Pummel comes charging in at Da Killa. Big LDM lifts the stop sign up and smashes Pummel in the face with it. Pummel’s body does 360 in the air landing hard flat on his face. Big LDM turns around a smack Da Killa in the face with the stop sign. Big LDM turns around once more and lifts up the semi-conscious Pummel. Big LDM moves Pummel towards the table. Big LDM roll Pummel on the table. Big LDM climbs on the table. Big LDM picks up Pummel. Big LDM with the Fall from Grace. Pummel body goes crashing through the table. Big LDM. With the pin. 1…2…3!!! Big LDM wins!!!
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