This has been kicked around here in various threads, but here you go:
Originally posted by Himbo
1. According to the bible the earth is 10,000 years old. However Carbon dating (that's with rocks) has proven that this earth is over 2 millions years old?
This argument isn't against God, but rather against reading the Bible as a literal history/science book.
As someone who has studied science (heavy on geology), I have no problem believing in a scientific creation of the world.
To me, the Bible is an account of how God has interacted with humanity, as seen from the humanity side. Therefore, I read it as such.
If I need a geological history of the Earth, I open one of my Geology books.
2. If God and Christians alike see homosexual behaviour as a sin then why does he make people gay? Why has it been proven that people who are homosexual have a slightly different chemical makeup or something. Like one extra of this or one less of this?
Not all Christians see homosexuality as a sin. For me, the arguement you presented was persuasive, so I concluded that homosexuality wasn't sinful.
Since the Bible will be drug into this point again, I'll just say that the key to understanding the Bible's admonitions against homosexuality lie in how the ancient Hebrews understood the afterlife.
3. Why no mention of dinosaurs in the bible? How could Noah build a structure large enough to house ever single creature on the planet? When todya we couldn't build a structure so large and maintain it with all those animals for 40 days.
The Bible isn't a science book (see reply to #1).
4. If you have to "confess your sins" and ask for forgivness how do children under the age of 4 get into heaven. If they can't ask for forginess do they all go to hell?
Good question. Maybe they aren't going to Hell. Maybe God's mercy takes this into account. (That's what I believe, anyway.)
5. She told me some crap about some scientists actually making life out of nothing? I've tried to find that on the net but can't.
So far, to the best of my knowledge, science has not made anything living. What she may be refering to are experiments where they HAVE created basic amino acids which are the building blocks of life by reproducing conditions they think may have existed during the early history of the planet.
But even if they do make a primative life form, so what? Heck, even if they clone people, so what? They still can't prove or disprove that this creation has a soul, or that there is a God who looks over it.
These are a few of the questions that I couldn't really answer. Any help would be much appreciated. It was extremly frustrating to sit there and see her with that smug look on her face! I don't want to prove to my gf the existence of a higher being but I would like to properly defend my beliefs.
The problem here is that your girlfriend is using strawman arguments (the Bible vs. carbon dating, etc.) to try to do something that is ultimately impossible: proving the non-existance of God. Conversely, you cannot use 'facts' to prove that God exists.
No, if you want to believe (or not believe) in God, you have to find other reasons. Check out my responses in this thread:
Why believe in the Bible?
chavos also has some good posts there.
I also have a thread, "Ask Lebell" (currently buried somewhere) that I answered a lot of these questions in.
Good luck!