Knowledgeable Bible readers?
Okay so my girlfriend and I had an agruement on the way home from my parents house last weekend. . well not realy an arguement but rather a discussion. My parents = christian faith . . .her father = atheist . . my girlfriend . . .up in the air really.
So she gave me all these facts "disproving" the existence of God expecting me to come back with all my "bible knowedge" that she thinks I have so much of. Well truth is . since I moved out of my parents place I go to church three or four times a year. So here are her points or arguements that I could not answer and I was wondering if some other people on here could help me out . .so next time I can have something to say instead of looking like an idiot.
1. According to the bible the earth is 10,000 years old. However Carbon dating (that's with rocks) has proven that this earth is over 2 millions years old?
2. If God and Christians alike see homosexual behaviour as a sin then why does he make people gay? Why has it been proven that people who are homosexual have a slightly different chemical makeup or something. Like one extra of this or one less of this?
3. Why no mention of dinosaurs in the bible? How could Noah build a structure large enough to house ever single creature on the planet? When todya we couldn't build a structure so large and maintain it with all those animals for 40 days.
4. If you have to "confess your sins" and ask for forgivness how do children under the age of 4 get into heaven. If they can't ask for forginess do they all go to hell?
5. She told me some crap about some scientists actually making life out of nothing? I've tried to find that on the net but can't.
These are a few of the questions that I couldn't really answer. Any help would be much appreciated. It was extremly frustrating to sit there and see her with that smug look on her face! I don't want to prove to my gf the existence of a higher being but I would like to properly defend my beliefs.