Hmm, I'd rather have a gun than a knife. Frankly, if an assailant has a gun, he has the ultimate advatage over me - range. Regardless of how competent he is with that gun, I cannot harm him from the DOJ's 21ft distance, he can, however, harm me as I close the gap. Admittedly, a motivated person with a knife can close 21ft in an awfully short time, but it is still enough time to get shot.
I also have to wonder about the trail afterwards. While it never looks good to have killed someone in self-defense, I would think it far easier to prejudice a jury against the defendant if they used a knife in self-defense. There is a visceral reaction against such a concept.
The idea that your attacker could take your weapon away and use it on you is a moot point in this case as it applies to any weapon. The idea that you can disarm your attacker while you are unarmed is a moot point for similar reasons.