I've talked to many people, on the subject, that have the "keep it illegal" standpoint, and many are VERY uneducated on it. They pull out old "facts" that have been proven to be blatantly false for decades, yet are still being circulated - such as the long-term effects, and the effect of the drug itself. Many even use points that SUPPORT its legalization and don't realize it, such as the way "gangs" use it as a source of income.
Marijuana should not be compaired to alcohol. The two are very different, from effect to toxicity. People do not "go crazy" on weed. You wont see a "stoner" picking a bar fight while high as you may see a "drunk" do while drunk. Chances are good that you wont see a "stoner" driving 90 down a highway - infact they may be going 40.... I have yet to see someone overdose on weed, its *VERY* easy to do so on alcohol. Chances are, when you're high, you'll relax.. get the "giggles".. or the "munchies". It won't stimulate agressive tendencies.
The money that the government could make off the legalization of marijuana is insane. The reason it may not be legalized, however, is because they feel they may lose money if the country all of a sudden converts to a land of "stoners". This wont happen - there will still be the people who will fly strait as an arrow, because they dont see the drug as "right for them" (as some have said here). There will still be those that prefer alcohol instead, or cigarettes. Not everyone smokes or drinks now - not everyone will smoke marijuana. I see a vast majority of the people experimenting with it when it is first legalized.. they'll take a toke and say "what the fuck was the big deal about this???". At which point they'll either move on, or find a way to fit it into their lives like was done with cigarettes or alcohol (to various degrees, or couse).
I know many a marijuana user that would say that marijuana brings people together. And this is true.. I see many people who normally wouldnt assiciate with one another for various reasons (race.. wealth level.. age.. etc) get together and enjoy one another's company due to marijuana. Marijuana gets people thinking about enjoying life. Makes them focus more on the important things. Some dont see money as one of those important things anymore, and they see it for what it is: a means to an end.
People become content on marijuana. That frightens some people. Personally, i dont see a problem with being content - people strive their whole lives for contentment. If one little plant can bring happiness to so many people.. by all means LEGALIZE.
...and damn it, dont even get me started on hemp. I can sit here for days pulling facts and figures out of my ass to show why its still illegal, and the corruption involved, but it wouldnt make a lick of difference. Until the *people* take this country back for the *people*, and give a firm middle-finger to the companies that think they can control it, hemp will remain illegal.
We Must Dissent.