I would rather not be viewed as a sexual object because it gets in the way of things and living my life. While sex is something I love and enjoy, I don't like the idea of being thought of only for the purpose of sex.
I am not really going to go into detail to explain my opinion because this thread has basically turned into a gender superiority battle, but I think as a whole, our genders are equal. When you look at details, one gender is typically better than another at something like math and English. But if you were to place men on one side of the scale, and women on the other, we come out about equal. While men may be a little better at math, women are a little better at English, which makes things equal in my eyes.
because I am so disgusted with the female gender and how "weak" it is in any other aspect besides sexuality.
Unfortunately, most societies encourage a misogynistic outlook on gender. I feel sorry you think women are weak "in any other aspect besides sexuality."
On average, they make WORSE firefighters, sorry, it is a very physically intensive job.
My father is a firefighter. I disagree with you. The majority of women who can pass the initial physical tests make great firefighters.