If I remember correctly, Mr.S wasn't cut until later in life... like his early teens or something. He has a lot of scar tissue from that. I know that he wishes that he wasn't cut.
Before I decided to spend the rest of my life with Mr.S, I was intending on having my sons cut. Why? Cuz everybody else is doing it, and I didn't want them to feel weird or different. Mr.S has given me a different perspective.
They're going to feel different anyway, simply because of their advanced intelligence and startling good looks.
I was a certified nursing assistant in high school and I had to clean an uncut old guy every day. It wasn't any dirtier than the other dicks I had to clean. Just different. Sure, I fumbled a bit the first time, but once I got used to how the foreskin could be pulled back, it was simple.
So I vote no. It's not a necessary procedure. It's quite silly actually.