Originally posted by siryn
1)It is unacceptable for me to hit on guys (how many macho guys have that "I don't like the chick taking the lead" idea? that is society-enforced)
I hate that macho bullshit. Most guys I know aren't like that. Maybe a change of venue would help that? I hope so, guys like that are an embarrassment.
Originally posted by siryn
2)It is unacceptable for me to be interested in kinky stuff (i.e. bondage, facials, etc.) or voice such an interest.
I can tell you exactly why. This stereotypical male we all see and hear about wants a girl who is untouched, virginal, and innocent. This type of male wants to be the sexual conquistador of her world- and since he can't have that all the time (or ever) he wants as close to it as he can get- which means no kink unless HE wants it. I guarantee most of this type would LOVE to coat your face, but only on his terms- otherwise it's that lack of innocence bullshit again. Like I said before, these guys are embarrassing.
Originally posted by siryn
3)Wanting to have one night stands or be friends with benefits makes me a whore.
I hope one day this double-standard will just go the fuck away. This is the most tiresome and out-dated of double-standards as far as I am concerned. And as angela146 noted once, it's not even really the guys who cause this, but other women as well- and almost more often. In fact, if a guy is looking for a casual fuck, he'd much prefer a girl who can handle a single night of string-free sex. The good thing though is that these girls are catty and stupid. Shame on them for castigating what is perfectly normal and healthy!! Oh well. Great posting, siryn, thanks for your thoughts.