Sysfader, DHCP, Headaches
OK, I did a few searches and couldn't find anything related to my problem...
First, lemme apologize for my Tech-ineptitude.
This morning my co-worker's computer started taking approx 2 minutes from the time we'd hit an application's icon to the time the actual window opened. The application starts running, but it doesn't open a window ( Control Panel, IE browser, etc. ) for at least 2, and up to 7, minutes.
Ok, facts: 2ghz celeron cpu, 128mgb RAM, 60gig hard drive ( no clue on the model), WinXP, IE 6, every critical update available up to 8/27/03, including virus patches. DSL dynamic IP, witha 8 port netgear hub and a cisco DSL router (i think!). LAN connection with 5 stations.
So, after 40 minutes with the Dell tech support fella, including hardware checks, loading in safe mode and trying all the different ways I can start up ( i.e. just System.INI, then System.INI and Basics.INI, yada yada ) we find that the problem disappears when the DHCP client is disabled. Which is great, except the computer is only used for online-related work stuff. So while I'm running all these tests for the Dell guy, I'm getting a "not responding" message from something called "sysfader" every time I reboot, which my homey at Dell doesn't think is that interesting.
We have a tech-support of sorts for our online database, and they suggest changing our IP to a static IP, which we do, and lo and behold the problems' back, window opens 2 minutes after you click the icon. The techie i'm talking to tells me to turn off the "fader" option under desktop properties/appearance/effects.
So, sysfader off, DHCP off, static IP address and... two minutes to open a window. Nobody's downloaded anything recently, no weird/spam-ish e-mails opened, I've restored the system up to a month back, cookies/temp files have been deleted. I didn't install anti-spyware yet, and I haven't just plain re-formatted, but it seems that anytime we connect to the internet, it takes 2 minutes to open a window.
I apologize for the length of this post, but after 5 hours and an unexpected education in basic system functions... this is like a question and a rant combined. I'd rather shove lemon juice soaked sticks in my eyeballs before I just blindly swing away at this again. Any advice would be astoundingly marvelous and VERY apprecated. Thank you.
In heaven all the interesting people are missing.
Friedrich Nietzsche