I take it back. Many people don't know what kind of shape one must be in to play a 12 hour straight clan tournament for an fps game like counter strike. Being in my 20's, my back isn't quite what it used to be, and after 12 hours straight of sitting in an ergonomically incorrect position without a gelpad for my mouse, a lumbar support for my back, I am really starting to feel my age. I am SO very impressed with those older "cyber atheletes" that really must condition their hands so that they don't blister, do situps for back support, that can still manage to compete with the younger crowd. You also don't realize what kind of technological edge even the smallest configuration can give you. My team of computer mechanics has situated me next to a DS3 so that my ping time is miniscule. They have cooled my computer with a liquid nitrogen cooling unit and overclocked it by over 800 mhz. When I tire, they wipe the sweat from my brow, feed me water, and soda--the fuel of the cyberathelete--to keep me going.
In an intense night of cybergaming, I may have to go without soda for several rounds, even though I am tired. If a new video card comes available between tourneys, they rush out and grab the latest and greatest and then we swap it with the old card, after applying the latest heat sink and overclocking it, of course. Its tough to compete.
You guys really don't realize how in shape you have to be to compete at the top level.
I'd say the top cyberathlete is in better shape than 75% of the population. The difference between the best and the worst can be just a few frags. You have the bad boys, that talk shit and may be good for the drama of the sport. Then you have the quiet guys that just go out there and prove their worth with their play. Sometimes, the difference between winning and losing can come down to how much you can get out of your front side bus? Just the other day, I probably had a 2 fps edge over my opponets and was in first place, only to have my ram crap out on me in the last game because I had my bus speed set too high.
I know, sounds stupid, right?
Last edited by cheesemoney; 08-27-2003 at 07:44 PM..