Part Two:
Still keeping SPORT and ATHLETE seperate because they ARE exclusive of each other.
If NASCAR drivers are athletes:
... so are fighter pilots and submariners.
... they are poor athletes. These guys, no matter the stress on their bodies, are not world-class track-and-filed athletes.
... so are the guys that race at your local dirt track every weekend. They shift just as much, probably more - and although their speeds aren't as high they don't have alot of the comforts.
I have no opinion on whether or not NASCAR drivers are athletes. This is because it depends on your definition of an athlete. If your definition is, say, "men and women who prepare for strenuous activity by training, both mentally and physically for the task at hand," then they are athletes. But so are alot of people. It's just a broad definition.
If your definition is more narrow, NASCAR drivers and submariners probably don't make the cut. This is okay to. It just depends on your definition.