My asshole dad likes to bang on the door whenever I'm fucking my girlfriend, screaming, "Let me in!"
Ummm....the other day my new neighbors had a house-warming party, and their house is right outside of my bedroom window. I had the blinds closed but the window open, and my girlfriend had the bright idea to bang a gong and get it on. So, I hear the party and people's conversations as we're fucking, and then suddenly my girl goes, "OoOoOOooH! OooOOoOOOOOH! AAaAaaaAAaH!" and I KNEW everyone outside heard that 'cause all the conversations stopped. She went on for the rest of the time (which was about a half hour), and at the end she screamed, "Dana! That was the best sex I've ever had!" Yeeeeah!
My girlfriend's bed is VERY squeaky. One time we left her window open and decided to go for a quicky before her mom got home. So the bed is loudly squeaking, and my girlfriend is like, "Yes! Yes! YEEEEESSS!" Then I guess I was taking too long so she screams, "Don't you know what a quickie is!? Hurry up and fuck me!" When we were done, she got dressed and went outside to grab something from her car. She tells me that when she went out there, her neighbors were all smiling and looking straight at her.

When I came out, I saw it too, only one of the girls there who my girl says the hots for me looked at me, was smiling but just as she looked at me she looked all sad. hehehe oh well