Originally posted by seizei
saying that most martial arts weapons came from farming tools is wrong... during the period in Japan when the common people were prohibited from carryiny weapons, they did develop farming tools for that use. For example, the kama is derived from the sickle, nunchaku from the flail to beat grain, tonfa from the handle of a grinder, sai were used to plant seeds...
That's exactly what I'm talking about...so, how exactly was I wrong? Perhaps I should have said that martial arts weapons, in general, were derived from farming equipment. I knew about the oppressive Japanese government being the reason. Obviously, spears, swords, etc...were not originally designed as farming equipment. Furthermore, I don't consider those weapons inherently "martial arts" weapons. Saying that the statement is wrong, is a bit presumptuous.
That being said, the credit card idea is a good one.