I can't even imagine taking my children to that kind of 'prayer' service for anything....obviously this man is not going to get what he deserves for his actions no matter what path his ruling takes...and if he thinks killing a boy can cure autism then I am sure they will find him doing something to kill himself...seems like murder is his common practice...it won't even be called suicide, cuz it was in the name of his 'lord'.
What else is sad is, I don't know how to feel for the mother of this boy to sit and hold down her son who wasn't doing anything wrong!! And that other woman knew something wasn't right...and yet she still held him there while a full grown MAN sat on this childs chest. If she didn't like what was going on...she could have told his mother to find someone else to be there!! ...chills...that's all I can say...that just gives me the most erie chills I have had in a while
Thank you for posting this...there's nothing anyone can do for this boy...but hopefully it will get the rest of the world to open their eyes a bit wider!