If you get the idea of what a film is from a trailer, from point to point, who the characters are, a general idea of what the movie will be, i think its a failure as a film. i for one like twisty movies in particular, provocative stuff that actually forces you to use your brain and deduce what just transpired, then put the pieces together, then come to a sudden conclusion "ohhhh!". case in point, The Usual Suspects, or The Game. Basic was a bit more convoluted than most, but at least it didnt spend the last 15 minutes of the movie explaining all the things you might have missed (see "Vanilla Sky", would have been so much better were the conclusion not so blatant). Straightforward movies have their places, but just because you dont "get it" from the trailer doesnt mean its going to suck.
some people dream of success, while other people live to crush those dreams