Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
In response:
1) I don't advocate some "fundamentalist" chrisitian government. Its all of your assumptions, that because I'm christian, I some how think everyone should be christian too is the exact reason I asked this question.
2) I couldn't agree more that government and religion don't mix. I don't like religion as an institution, it is ran by humans, who are by nature flawed.
You sir are misinformed. Before the Muslims took over the holylands they were in Christian control. So they attacked first, the christians were only attempting to regain what was once in their control.
1) I already answered about the political
2) whats wrong with people having religion in their lives that instills good principles like "Love thy Neighbor". Or Put Christianity aside, all religion have good stuff to say, they instill morals, this country could sure use some.
You don't need religion for morality.