Originally posted by mystmarimatt
my point is mainly, idealism in politics is a fallacy.
Thank you for saying that, because while it may not be what everyone wants to hear, it is, for better or for worse, the truth.
As far as suppressing your religious beliefs upon taking the Oval Office, that is absurd. Religion is part of what shapes each and every one of us(even if you have no religion, that is an influence). Just as the where and when we were raised, our education and life experiences influence who we are. Would you ask someone who deeply believed in a certain economic theory to suspend that theory when taking office just because it is not held by everyone? No, you would not. Religion is not inherently bad or good. It derives its worth or lack thereof, from its practice. This being said, aspirants to our hightest office, must not let religion DOMINATE their thought process and decision making, but like all of their life experiences it will have influence. All of our Presidents in modern times have been religious - and most used the term "God Bless America" in speeches. While I am not a huge Bush fan, this is not a topic I feel he should be criticized on - there are so many other and better points to bitch about.