Radeon 9000 Atlantis pre-install concerns
Tomorrow, the mailman is going to drop by and deliver a Radeon 9000 Pro Atlantis 64MB DDR VIVO for my Dell. I know it isn't the latest Radeon out there or the best capture card ever, but considering that my current is a 16 MB ATI and the VIVO card does not cost me a dime (it's a gift), it's a deal. Also, I am hoping it will be a good replacement not only for my lousy 16 MB video card, but also for the slow as fuck Hauppauge WinTV.
The reason I am posting is, I've heard and read mixed things about people having problems with this card, so I am hoping that you can give me some pointers with which I can save myself from some headache... I have a few questions for you gurus, but if you can think of additional hints and tips, please do tell.
1) ATI has probably issued newer drivers, but should I use the ones that come with the card, or install them and then update, or simply install the new ones first? This may seem self-explanatory and obvious, but in my exp it isn't always so..
2) Does the card support WinXP Pro AND DirectX 9 without any major problems? I've read mixed things about this, so I am hoping that someone has had some personal experience.
3) Do you know if it can capture PAL as well, or only NTSC? Information on this has proven impossible to find, at least for me.
Dell Dimension 4400
P4 1.6 GHz
384 MB DDR @ 266 MHz
ADI 1885
ATI 128 Ultra 16MB AGP 4x
Win XP Pro, DX9
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