Ever since i was a youngin' i've had the tendency to stutter. Back in my youth i never really thought it was much of a problem..no one really made fun of me (except for that bastard kid Rodney in 2nd grade...he'll get his...

) Anyways..i never really considered it much of a problem at all in life. My father stutters occasionally, but no where near as often as i used to. Nowadays i've basically got it under control...i just take deep breaths before i speak, but sometimes i hear myself saying things really fast & 'stuck' together. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that it is a genetic thing, seeing as my dad and I both have this minor setback. My brother or sister don't have it, but i seem to be the one 'cursed' so to speak with this. Now that i'm 19, i've basically looked passed it, i think about it now and then but i don't let it bring me down ever. But hey lets look at the bright side, i remember reading something, somewhere, saying that people who stutter have a tendency to be really smart, and hey, i can't say im stupid

hehe well anyways, i guess thats it. any thoughts? comments? whatever, its all good. Thanks for readin