Vinoh turns to where he thinks his friend is...
"Hmm... I'm trying, my friend, but it's harder than usual, for some reason. Can you see the others? Are they about to attack this thing? If so, then I fear a concerted effort might be our only chance at beating this... Wyvern."
Then, closing his eyes, Vinoh sends a psychic message to his companions below:
"My friends, it seems I can't get a straight reading of this thing's emotions, so therefore I don't know its intentions or even if it spotted us. Should we decide to attack, I suggest a massive first strike from you guys using ranged weapons. Hopefully, this would disorient and surprise it long enough so that Darghon and I can get our licks in from behind, after which we can continue our attacks from opposite sides until this creature is either subdued or flees. What do you think?"
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.