That was a very well informed opinionated post, rgr22j. It's nice to get some viable discussion on the politics board every once in a while.
You're absolutely right about Howard Dean. Anti-Bush campaigning is only going to get him so far....on the other hand, he's hitting a cord among the people.
I've watched him on the shows and read some of his speeches and right now, he seems like the most viable Democrat out there. If the economy continues to go down the shitter or recover very very slow and if this prolonged military venture drags it's feet anymore than I think we're all going to see just how far Dean can run on his Anti-Bush platform.
Gore would be a nice stable choice for the nomination, but as he isn't running and if none of the other Democrat candidates seperate themselves from the rank and file, I think Dean is the nominee.
And with Dean as the hopeful, I just don't think he's got enough rocks in his basket to bring down President Bush.
It's certainly shaping up to be an interesting election.