Hi NoSoup,
I've read through the entire thread and it looks like the info that you and others have posted will be of great help in the future.
But as for now, I am a student with no credit looking to establish credit so that I may be able to own a home and what not in the future. I am fortunate enough that my parents have a college fund for me (I go to a state school and commute from home so tuition isn't that expensive at all anyways) and have not had to take out student loans for school. From previous posts, I've learned that secured credit cards are a good place to start. What else can I do after that? And how long after getting the secured credit card should I wait before doing whatever you suggest next (if anything)? If I get a secured credit card, I will most likely not ever be using it anyways since currently I have a debit card and I like making sure I have enough money in the bank before making any purchases.
On a related side note, one professor I had was saying that: taking out a small loan, leaving it in your bank account (and not touching it) and paying it back on schedule, and then getting a bigger loan and doing the same, etc. will be worth paying the interest in the long run because the bank will "trust" you with larger sums of money after they've seen that you've had a good history. He said something like "start when you don't need the money, so that when you do need the money you'll be trusted with more." Any thoughts on that?