There are a few, but my favorite (and this is more of a "spotting" than a "meeting") was when I was walking past the Ed Sullivan Theater here in NYC during a Letterman taping. There was a big crowd out front but I wasn't sure why. So I waited around and eventually made my way to the front. Suddenly, Don Rickles came out of the store next door (I guess they were filming a "bit" there) and walked right in front of me. It caught me by surprise so I yelled out, "wow! Don Rickles!"
He just stopped in his tracks - stared at me for 5 seconds (seemed like 10 minutes) like I was the biggest asshole he had ever met - and then kept walking.
I'm pretty proud of that one. Don Rickles thought I was an asshole. But Don Rickles probably thinks most people are assholes.
You have to laugh at yourself...because you'd cry your eyes out if you didn't. - Emily Saliers