I met a local news anchor one time at a Duncan Donuts.
She was very sweet about talking to us and giving out autographs.
Funnily enough,
two Country singers came from my little home town, but I was a few grades below them and after graduating, they skedaddled out of town so I didn't meet them.
(Lee Ann Womack and Neil McCoy)
I graduated with a guy that ended up making one of those Skinemax movies in Hollywood, and my brother graduated with Deborah Yates. She was in the Broadway musical, "Contact". She played the girl in the yellow dress.
I don't think I met her, but I might've brushed by her in the hall at school. Does that count?
When my mom started college in West Texas when she was younger, she met a girl that later became a good friend.
They hung out, did the usual stuff.
Then one day, she invited my mom over to her Mothers' house, and when they came inside it was to see the girls' brother, looking all dirty and scruffy, asleep on the couch.
I think they were going to have coffee and maybe study some in the living room.
Moms' friend was a little put out by her brother being there and so she decided to pour some water on his head to wake him up.
Well, needless to say, he was now up.

While coffee was brewing, he and my mom got acquainted.
It turned out to be Waylon Jennings, before the fame.