Many of them. I have a few that are good friends. Here are just a couple:
All the Baldwin brothers
Anthony Hopkins
Owen Wilson
Most of these are friends I see maybe a couple of times a year but the only one that really made me all goofy inside when I met him was Jimmy Page........I FUKIN FREAKED!!
I sold his sister in law a car and her and I became really good friends. Well she always mention her sister and husband named Jimmy, well when Page Plant had their Walking into Clarksdale tour I had mentioned to her one day that I would love to see that show....thats when she said her sister is married to Jimmy Page.I said.."yea right" she said serious and I she would hook me up. Back Stage...front row....AWESOME!!
I went to her house the next day to thank her. Jimmy and his family was there and we talked and shot the shit for a couple of hours.
That was the only time I was really excited about meeting a celeb...........I MEAN JIMMY FUKIN PAGE!!!!!