08-25-2003, 06:38 PM
#75 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
Plot summary for Episode III:
Star Wars Episode 3
Plot Summary Script Synopsis Story
George Lucas
The Clone Wars are now over two years old. The entire galaxy has been thrown into chaos. On one side of the conflict are thousands of separatist star systems, led by the charismatic Count Dooku, who are rebelling against the Republic led by the scheming-in-secret Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious.
The people grow tired of the Galactic Senate and the Jedi Knights. They are ready for drastic change and Palpatine realizes this. At the beginning of the movie, Anakin and Obi-Wan fight in a large Clone War battle. Obi-Wan is now a general fighting for Bail Organa of Alderaan. Anakin showcases his supreme piloting skills during a gigantic space battle.
Palpatine senses that Anakin can be seduced by the powers of the dark side. For reasons unknown at this point, Anakin agrees to join the Sith. Palpatine explains to Anakin the rules of the Sith. Palpatine tells Anakin that only two Sith Lords can exist at any one time. If Anakin wants to become rich and powerful, then Anakin must face Darth Tyranus again and kill Darth Tyranus in order to become Palpatine's new apprentice. Later, Anakin and Tyranus meet face to face. Anakin slays Tyranus after an intense light-saber duel.
Padme contacts Obi-Wan and tells Obi-Wan that Anakin is leaving the Jedi Order. Yoda senses that Anakin has fallen to the dark side. Obi-Wan leaves the war and hides Padme from Anakin. Obi-Wan then seeks out Anakin to confront him and convince Anakin to return to the light side of the Force.
Obi-Wan finds Anakin on a new world. Obi-Wan and Anakin begin to argue. Obi-Wan tells Anakin that he will never see Padme again as long as Anakin stays with the dark side. A light-saber battle between them erupts.
Obi-Wan blocks Anakin's attack. Anakin becomes reckless and falls into a molten pool. Anakin's light saber falls to the ground. Obi-Wan watches Anakin sink into the lava pool. Obi-Wan exits the battle area to find help for Anakin.
Palpatine enters and has his troops rescue Anakin from the molten pool. They then quickly leave the area. A few minutes later, Obi-Wan returns with some other Jedi Knights. They are unable to find Anakin. Obi-Wan assumes the molten pool has consumed Anakin's body. Obi-Wan finds Anakin's light saber on the ground and takes it with him. Obi-Wan tells Padme that Anakin is dead. Padme is saddened by this news.
Palpatine's people nurse Anakin back to health. Anakin is eventually placed into his familiar-looking black mask and body armor, which looks different than the mask and armor that Vader wears in the classic trilogy. Palpatine teaches Anakin to the ways of the Sith. Anakin grows to hate the Jedi and the Republic. Anakin takes the name of Darth Vader. Only Palpatine and his trusted minions know that Darth Vader is actually Anakin. Everyone else believes that Anakin is dead.
The Clone Wars come to an abrupt end with the Republic winning the war. Many thousands of Jedi have lost their lives during the conflict. The people demand and end to the Jedi's and Senate's incompetence and corruption. Palpatine takes this opportunity to declare himself Emperor. He immediately replaces the Galactic Senate with an Imperial Senate. The Jedi Council and the entire Jedi Order are removed as the guardians of the galaxy. The people hail Palpatine as the saviour of the Republic.
Yoda and Mace Windu learn of a Jedi who erased the Kamino data from the Jedi Archives. They, along with Obi-Wan, go to confront this traitor. Yoda confronts the traitor alone and kills the Jedi traitor.
Mechanical Vader gets in a light-saber duel with several prominent Jedi all at one time. Each of these Jedi is killed by Vader. Eventually, Vader faces Windu and in a fierce duel Vader kills Windu. Windu might die preventing Vader from finding Padme. For reasons not known, Yoda and Obi-Wan decide that they are unable to defeat the Sith. The pair agree to go into hiding until Luke is old enough to challenge Sidious and Vader.
Lastly, Padme flees to Alderaan with Leia. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan is seen at Owen and Beru Lars' homestead. He gives Luke to them to raise. Obi-Wan decides to go by the name Ben. The film ends with Ben Kenobi walking off into the desert.