- one woman, one room, 40 guys. Really and truly, it was arranged over a telephone chat line by her and her BF. They rented a hotel room downtown, and a pile of guys showed up. She was sucking, fucking, having come shot on her by one guy after another. Once they would blow their load, they would leave, another guy would show up. For the record, I didn't screw her, was more of a voyeur, but it is burned in my memory.
- a guy, his wife, me and two other guys. She was incredibly beautiful and the hubby just was too happy to share her. Actually she was a bit of a dominatrix and enjoyed humiliating him in every way possible, making fun of his small dick (he did have quite a small one), or ridiculing him for being too fat (he was), fucking the other guys in front of him and telling him what a real man felt like. All she would allow him to do was play with himself or suck off one of the guys. She ended up peeing on him as i video taped it. He would just take it and whimper, "you're my queen, she's a queen". I can't tell you how beautiful she was, stunning in fact. I thought maybe she was just a rental woman, not really his wife, but i met up with them a couple of times and no, they really are married, couple of kids, the whole bit. Over the top.
- BJ going down the QEW at 120 km/hr.
- sex with a complete and utter stranger. Met a woman from the chat line, I rented a downtown hotel room, shut off all the lights, opened the door a crack. She came into the room, disrobed, take it from there. Never saw her face till the next morning. (She was suprisingly cute, tall, slim British girl.) Never asked her her name.
- Tim Horton's Paking lot in broad daylight.
- On the beach at night on a beach chair with my then GF at Bavaro Beach Dominican Republic when i was 24 with some guy watching us.
- 2 different women in a 12 hour period with neither knowing about the other.
- Having my mother walk in on my GF and I going at it whilst spooning on the couch. Ma didn't know what was going on under the covers and walks in, sits down and starts chatting with us. Meanwhile sweat is just running off our faces, i am inside her, we stop, you get the picture.
-Library stacks at McMaster University in Hamilton. Lecture Halls, class rooms, several washrooms, parking lot, old style telephone booths at the "john" at Mac. Football field.
Last edited by james t kirk; 08-25-2003 at 03:19 PM..