Question about reps during a workout
I have just recently started working out. I am curious as to how people recommend setting their reps. I read through the threads and really didn't see what I was looking for. Here goes...
How many reps and how many sets do you do per type of lifting (i.e. bench press)?
Do you do the same reps each time or increase or decrease them? (10 - 10 - 10, or 10 - 8 - 6, or 6 - 8 - 10)?
Do you raise, lower, or keep the weight even for each set? I've heard you start low and go up each set.
I am looking to build some mass and to gain some strength. I am also trying to increase my metabolism so I am combining the lifting with a 30+ minute cardio workout per day. I am not trying to be a body builder. I just want to be in better shape and to lose weight.
Thanks for the comments.