Computer Programming. What's so appealing?
My dad got me into computers when I was bout 7 years old and they've been the other half of my brain ever since. Whether it be internet surfing, playing video games, using photoshop, watching DVD's, or building them, I just am always attracted to my computer. Call it a bad thing if you want, but that's just how it is for now.
I'm wondering what's so appealing about computer programming. I've always heard that people say it's so boring because you "sit infront of your computer for hours at a time troubleshooting with symbols..." This actually seems sort of cool to me! Not in the plain form, but if the trouble shooting was for a larger cause, IE making some cool new program come to life.
Anyone care to share their experiences? I'm sure programming is hard in general, but how hard is it to write simple programs and games? I've done extremely elementary script editing before for some video game mods and I understood how it worked quite easily. I'm an extremely visual learner so it really doesn't phase me whether I'm working with letters or symbols.
Thanks guys
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