Okay folks, the real problem here is not religion, the real problrm is politicians. We have eandered so far away from the framers original intent for govern ment. They saw a system where everyday people went and served, then went back home and went back to work, What we have now is a batch of little political robots. They have no idea what the real world is like, they were raised in glass houses and taught what to do, taught what to say, and taught what to believe. They are religious in thier convictions because it is a necessary element of getting elected.
I recently listened to a deate between the talking political heads on TV, they were saying "Arnold has no political experience, what does he know about government?" Well, I started to think, the men who put together our constitution didnt know jack shit about building the most powerful nation on the earth, and somehow they managed to lat the framework dwon for just that.
My point? Religion plays no role in the life of these puppets we call president, they do and say what they were taught to do and say, they believe in the flavor of the day and that is about as deep as they go. I dont care who you are for, democrat, republican, they are all what I call career politicians. How about electing a guy who has some real beliefs?