All About Clams (and some recipes)
American Indians used parts of the shell from these bivalve mollusks (any soft-bodied mollusk, such as a clam, scallop, oyster or mussel, that has two shells hinged together by a strong muscle) to make wampum — beads used for barter, ornamental, ceremonial and spiritual purposes.
The two main varieties of clams are hard-shell and soft-shell. The hard-shell clams found on the East Coast (where they're also called by the Indian name, quahog) come in three sizes. The smallest are littleneck clams, which have a shell diameter less than 2 inches. Next comes the medium-sized cherrystone clam, about 2 1/2 inches across. The largest of this trio is the chowder clam (also called simply "large" clam), with a shell diameter of at least 3 inches.
Among the West Coast hard-shell varieties are the Pacific littleneck clam, the Pisom and the small, sweet butter clams from the Puget Sound.
Soft-shell clams, also called soft clams , actually have thin, brittle shells. They can't completely close their shells because of a long, rubbery neck (or siphon) that extends beyond its edge. The most common East Coast soft-shell is the steamer clam. The most famous West Cost soft-shells are the razor clam (its shell resembles a folded, old-fashioned straight razor) and the geoduck clam (pronounced GOO-ee-duck ). The geoduck is a comical-looking, 6-inch-long clam with a neck that can reach up to about 1 1/2 feet long.
On the East Coast and in the Pacific Northwest, clams are available year-round. In California, the season is November through April. Clams are sold live in the shell, fresh or frozen shucked, and canned.
When buying hard-shell clams in the shell, make sure the shells are tightly closed. If a shell is slightly open, tap it lightly. If it doesn't snap shut, the clam is dead and should be discarded. To test a soft-shell clam, lightly touch its neck; if it moves, it's alive. The guideline for buying shucked clams is plumpness and clear liquid.
Store live clams up to 2 days in a 40°F refrigerator; refrigerate shucked clams up to 4 days.
Clams can be cooked in a variety of ways, including steaming and baking. All clams should be cooked gently to prevent toughening. Clams are high in protein and contain fair amounts of calcium and iron.