Holy shit this is a rant thread if EVER there was one.
Took me 15 minutes to sort through the bullshit.
I'm not attacking your obviously super-charged opinions, but I do have a few things to add:
I agree with angela whole-heartedly when she said that women are NOT necessarily better parents than men. To say that the fact that women possess more "nurturing" qualities makes them the automatic better parent is ignorant and assumptive, and there is nothing to prove this. Any man or woman can be a great or shitty parent, it's all in how they do it.
Have you ever heard of post-partum depression? Yeah, that's what happens to some women after they give birth. In the months after the baby is born, this refers to the depression many women slip into because of the new child. Sometimes this results in the death of the baby by the mother's own hands. Men don't do this- not to say they're better, this is only to support the fact that it is stupid to assume women are better parents. Everyone has their pluses and minuses.
Consider this: not all cars are equal, not by a long shot. But can cars fly? No. Can cars travel under water? No. So in these respects, all cars are equal because they will all sink in water and none of them can become airborn. Sports cars are fast and strong, but waste gas and are a burden to the environment. Hybrid cars are fuel-efficient and good for the planet, but are still costly and are not as strong or fast.
Everyone in this world has advantages and disadvantages, but we are all human.
A woman's power and her sexuality have nothing to do with the other. She can most definitely have both- and when they do, that's something incredible. Angela seems to have this, and I applaud her for it.
Please stop allowing your head to be filled with PC nonsense like "women are sex objects". PLEASE. Women objectify men just as much as we objectify them, they just do it differently. (Please note that soap operas' popularity has VERY little to do with the acting or content and a LOT to do with the beefcake. See: George Clooney, Ricky Martin, etc.) If this is a male-dominated world, then it would make sense to not see as much objectification of men in the media- the women aren't controlling it (in this hypothetical, ladies- i'm working for you here) as much as the men are. Men respond to the objectification of women differently than women do of men. It's just how our brains work, and has <b>little</b> to do with gender, it has to do with sexual preference. Every average lesbian out there is just as guilty of female objectification as an average heterosexual male, and so on with all permutations of sex/sexual preference. Male or female, if you like boobies, you'll objectify women, if you like the man-package, you'll objectify men, plain and simple.
If you want to rant, rant. It's your right as a human being and you can rant as you please- but don't rant and then say you're just "confused" or you "don't understand". You're ranting. Admit it, have your conversations and let people learn of your opinions, and then we'll all go on to something else.