Hi, I'm new
I signed up for the forums here and managed to completly forget that I had ever even been here. Amazing.
I was reminded of this place by someone on the redvsblue forums and I'm looking forward to exploring tomorrow at work (with avitars off, heh heh)
Just a few quick things, I'm married, will be 33 in September, I do tech support (have been doing helpdesk stuff in one form or another for 8 years), have three dogs and am female. No kids, don't want kids. One cool 4 year old niece who regularly reinforces my 'don't want kids' thing.
That's about it. If anyone goes looking up bugdog, I'm the one into police, fark, redvsblue, and Firefly. I was a rabid Russell Crowe fan, but I out grew that mostly. There are other bugdog's out there now, but I was first
and naturally, I'm the best.