Originally posted by Phaenx
I don't have the time to sort out all the hightimes articles looking for something credible, this is a good project for you, as a person whose trying to convince me pot isn't bad.
A search for "medical marijuana" on Google does not return one single hit for a High Times article. If you can't be bothered to do even a cursory investigation, I feel I am wasting my time.
But to humor you, I searched for "medical marijuana" and limited results to .edu domains. Here's a large report from the Institute of Medicine (
link here). Read the executive summary if nothing else. It covers every point previously cited in relation to psychological and physiological effects. It concludes, and states it in no uncertain terms, that although chronic use of marijuana has side effects, they are mild and short-lived. It goes extensively into benefits on cannabanoids in treatment of various disorders.
I'm only telling you what I've heard from scientists and doctors. Those that I've listed are the ones saying it's bad, I'm saying it's illegal for a good reason.
Okay, what about these professors of Medicine from credible Universities that were the main panel of advisors for the IOM study? I don't think these are "High Times" columnists.
JOHN A. BENSON, JR. (Co-Principal Investigator), Dean and Professor of Medicine, Emeritus, Oregon Health Sciences University School of Medicine
STANLEY J. WATSON, JR. (Co-Principal Investigator), Co-Director and Research Scientist, Mental Health Research Institute, University of Michigan
STEVEN R. CHILDERS, Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology, Center for Neuroscience, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake Forest University
J. RICHARD CROUT, President of Crout Consulting, Drug Development and Regulation, Bethesda, Maryland
THOMAS J. CROWLEY, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, and Executive Director, Addiction Research and Treatment Services, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
JUDITH FEINBERG, Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, and Associate Director, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Cincinnati School of Medicine
HOWARD L. FIELDS, Professor of Neurology and Physiology, University of California at San Francisco
DOROTHY HATSUKAMI, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota
ERIC B. LARSON, Medical Director, University of Washington Medical Center, and Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, University of Washington
BILLY R. MARTIN, Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, and Director of National Institute on Drug Abuse Center on Drug Abuse, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University
TIMOTHY L. VOLLMER, Professor of Medicine, Multiple Sclerosis Research Center, Yale University School of Medicine
1. Drug is a broad term, it can't be proven either way, but most likely the people who went to prison were not the average college kid who would take advantage of legalized pot. No, these are likely the dealers and people who take harder drugs repeatedly, the ones who should be in prison anyways. If pot were legalized, I don't think it would put a dent in that number.
That entire response was completely devoid of any factual information. I'll just skip this part.
2. If pot were legal there would still be illegal substances being smuggled into the U.S. If we're still going to be doing the same thing, paying the DEA, putting the heinous offenders in prison (you don't go to prison for minor possession in most states, just a fine in Ohio unless you're carrying over a certain amount, which would result in jail and a fine I believe. I'd be in favor of increasing the fine against offenders for around 5 thousand dollars and sending them on their way. Because it sends the message that it is the wrong thing to do, and is a more plausible means of enforcing the law. Texas marijuana laws are close enough to this.)
I'm willing to discuss separating hard drugs from marijuana. Decriminalizing marijuana does not have to include heroin and other Schedule I substances. Ultimately I don't think punishing drug users has any value. And drug smugglers would not even exist if the item were not contraband. The U.S. war on drugs is entirely responsible for a class of criminals that would not otherwise exist. Eliminating this faction would be a
huge benefit to everyone.
3. That's easy to say. What would the numbers look like if we weren't fighting though? Too hard to say, but I think we'd have far more dumbasses then we do now.
I don't know. Certainly a strong education program would need to come with legalization; and regulations to prevent cigarette companies from marketing heavily to teens.
Perhaps we will learn something from Canadian long-term studies.
4. Duly noted, but the point is that when someone says alcohol is worse then pot, so it should be legal too is nonsensical.
I'm not sure why you keep bringing this up. I never suggested that one should be legalized or criminalized because of the laws governing the other.
Like I said, I don't care what they do as long as it doesn't affect me. When people destroy themselves it does affect me, and society as a whole. Their pursuit of happiness impedes mine, the war on drugs would continue whether pot was legal or not, and there are other drugs, superior ones in many cases, one could use instead of marijuana.
I still don't see how someone smoking a joint in their own home has such a traumatic influence on your life. I accuse you of exaggerating.
You have not even addressed the concern of medical marijuana in the treatment of glaucoma, chronic nausea and dizziness associated with HIV-fighting drugs and chemotherapy, and stimulating appetite.
The problem there is you've already made up your mind, and dissent will always be irrational.
You mean like how you are convinced that everyone opposing you is affiliated with High Times and have no scientists or doctors to back their claims?
No, I simply have not heard any good arguments that make me question how I already feel. I hate to break this to you, but one report does not constitute proof of anything. The legalization of marijuana is a very potent political and social issue, and the people funding the research -- on both sides -- have a lot at stake on the contents of these reports. The point that I was trying to make earlier is that if you search, you will find people on both sides of the coin stating they have scientific proof of their side.
That's true, which is partially why I quit. Telling on them simply wasn't enough. Drug tests can be beaten, and it's not hard to look busy when the boss comes by, it's harder then you think to stop this without going big brother on your employees.
I still don't see how this is my problem, or the Federal government's.