He's obviously a democrat and must be a philandering stinking liar

right? guys????
And since the study, though legitimate, is connected to a lying stinking philandering democrat it is invalid.
I think the democrat's time would be better spent killing babies, handing our hard earned money to the lazy and shiftless, and taking God out of the schools.
I've been reading a lot posts like this lately. I remember a time when one could express his/her own opinion without being blanket labeled as a conservative/liberal, tossed aside and their opinions (sometimes valid sometimes not) being labeled as garbage. It seems that most of the folks who post here are incredibly intelligent people. People who, at least it seems to me, aren't capable of being labled and stuffed into box to be put away and dismissed. And yet, we do it anyway by invalidating their ideas based on what party they vote.
I've read some real interesting stuff on the board. I've been informed, enlightened and led to information. And sometimes, I've even changed my mind and re-evaluated my opinion.
I know this is a little disjointed. It just seems sad that this place, which has the potential to be an enormous repository of information, has dilapidated to a flame war of partisan politicking.
*sigh....here let me get you started again....
liberals are always trying to take my hard earned dollar to feed the lazy....
conservatives are using the War on Terror to hold a constiency in check through fear mongering.....