Well, i dunno about anyone else, but i'm a bit lost after reading all this...SO, to answer your OFFICIAL question.
I love the fact that my bf can look at me with a firy lust in his eyes. If other men do, that's fine by me [just don't tel me as to prevent awkwardness]. HOWEVER, i do not expect that lust to transform into special priviledges [sp?] or disadvantages. In the modern world it's less and less likely [thank god] for that sort of thing to happen.
The problem I have with the question is really that it's all or nothing. Either have female sexuality and power or be equal in everything. Well, I don't want to be equal in eveything, I want to be celebrated for my differences, not only as a woman, but as an individual. And I want and like my sexuality BUT I dont believe in using it as a tool to get things, and neither do a lot women.
Some people, not just women, are opportunists. Not all of them. There are a lot of noble human beings, in fact i have to say most of them are decent. But your example in saying that women want equality but use their sexuality to get things is, and must be, based solely on some personal experiences, tales and rumours heard and seen. It's not factual that the majority of women use sex as a tool.
There are women that do that, because there are men that let them. SOME men have the strong craving for sex so these women, so inturn, these women, seeing the opportunity, exploit that.
I do not want to be grouped in the same category as these women. Any self respecting woman [and most of them are] would really be offended to be considered as such. So please, until you can give me a statistic from an official source, instead of basing it on what seems like solely personal experience, to draw the conclusion that women are sexual opportunists with a double standard of expecting equality is illogical and highly dangerous for your sake.
However as a side note, I do understand where you're coming from and why you say what you do, but believe me, the sort of women you're talking about are undoubtedly in the minority. As well there are other facotrs contributing to using sex as power and that is low self esteem. Women who believe they cannot amount to anything due to a lack of proper upbringing may use sex as their only tool in mistaking it for respect. There are a lot of women [again not the majority] with low self esteem. Do not make it worse. Help them instead of bashing them.
-poor is the man whose pleasure depends on the permission of another-