Dude, You feel very strongly about this, and I can respect you for that. It does not sound, however, that you know what the hell you believe. I found several contradictory statements in your "aurguments" that I don't understand. Here is one:
Originally posted by constant
I recognize the importance of viewing people as individuals, but that doesn't mean the concept of race or gender should be abolished.
But earlier you stated....
I just wish, even as unconcievable as it may be and as joyful as sexuality can be, that it didn't exist.
Thrughout you post, are you referring to gender and sexaulity as one in the same? (I can see how you are since it does not seem that you can seperate women who are proud of thier sexuality and those women whom I gather you reffer to as sluts.)
If you are why the sudden change of tune?
If not; how can sexaulity be abolished but race and gender stay as relevant definitions of a person?
I suggest you step back, clam down, evaluate how you really feel and then come back to this post.
Thank you, "a sexually free, independant, strong female"